ECS Alumni Association

For questions on the Edwards Central School Alumni Association, please e-mail Martha Poole Landon or call her at 518-914-9243.

Steering Committee

Alice Austin Antwine

Charlotte Evans Dean

Joyce Hamilton Whitham, '65

Betsy Hartle Dumas, '74

John Honsky

Patrick Hughes, '77

Margaret Noble Hockett

Martha Poole Landon

Marie Whitham

Roland Wood


Are you on Facebook?  Check out the group "Memories of the past, are you from or around Edwards...Go X Hornets".



Several class pages are still lacking their class pictures.  If your class is one of them and you have a copy of it, please contact us.  We could use your help.

If you have pictures of life at ECS over the years or of recent pictures taken at reunions or other ECS related gatherings, please share them with us.  We would like to expand on our slideshow.


This is your alumni web site.  What would you like to see on it.  Contact us with suggestions.

Athletes from the former Edwards Central School are eligible for the Edwards-Knox Central School Athletic Hall of Fame.  Find out how you can nominate a former high school athlete, team or coach by visiting the Edwards-Knox Hall of Fame page.

If you move, change your phone number, e-mail address, or anything that is listed on this alumni site, please don't forget us.  Your input is the only way that this site can be kept up to date.


Remember, your volunteer webmaster is not an ECS alum.  Collaboration or a volunteer to take over the website would be greatly appreciated.


Former faculty and staff are urged to submit their information so that former students can keep up with them.  Submissions can be made here and that page can be found here.

Some of these pictures are linked to a larger view and description
This is the web site of the former Edwards Central School of Edwards, New York.  All students attending public school in the town of Edwards between the Class of 1949 and the Class of 1986 were graduates of ECS.  This web site, however, includes classes that were graduated from the old Edwards High School, dating back to 1914.

It now also includes individuals who attended ECS but did not graduate from the school.  This may include people who were students here but the family moved before they graduated or others who spent school years in Edwards but then graduated from the merged Edwards-Knox Central School.  In support of this, please note the dictionary definition of alumnus/alumni is "any person who attended or graduated from a school, college or university". If you have memories of attending ECS you are welcome.
  Annual Alumni Banquet
By all accounts, the banquet held on September 21, 2024, was a great success.  A highlight of the evening was the appearance of Andrew Polkinghorne, AFS exhange student from Australia, who attended ECS and lived with the Lanphear family that year.  Pat Hughes suggested raising the yearly award given to an Edwards-Knox student for the highest 4-year average in history from $200 to $500.  A show of raised hands of banquet attendees has carried the motion to raise the award.

The next ECS Alumni Banquet will be September 20, 2025, at the VFW Post 6338, 100 Main St. Gouverneur NY 13642. The 50-year class of 1975 will be honored as well as 1985,1965,1955,1945.  The meal will be a turkey dinner with all the fixins!  Details on the meal and other info will be posted later.

More information will follow here and on FB pages by Gary and Roland Wood. Hope to see you!

Any questions please email or call Martha Or by cell, 518-466-1434
  Submit Your Info
PLEASE NOTE:  If you graduated from ECS, please click on the "Submit Your Alumni Info" tab in the banner at the top of this page to submit your information. 

If you attended ECS but left/moved before graduation -OR- if you attended ECS and then graduated from Edwards-Knox please do not use that form.  Instead, submit an email to the webmaster.  In it include all pertinent information including your name (include maiden name while in school if applicable), current contact information including address, email and/or phone, and year(s) you attended ECS.  Please also tell us what year you graduated from E-K (if applicable) OR where you moved to when you left ECS.  Include the name of the high school you graduated from and when if you would like.  We may contact you for additional information if needed.


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 Fourth Coast Creations ... Web Sites by David J. Schryver